My Logo

This is my logo I created, it is called A Penguin Production. I got the picture off of google images and I used different transitions to help create it. I have chosen blue writing for my logo as it goes with the background of a penguin and it suits where they live. I like how the words 'A Penguin Production' slide across the screen and the picture of a penguin is in the background. I chose an animal to create for my logo because they are good because they make it effective.  

Preferred and Oppositional Readings

Hall's theory:

This poster of the film Ted shows preferred and oppositional readings. It shows preferred readings as the operator wants the audience to view the media text that it is going to be quite rude because it is a picture of a teddy bear that is alive and drinking alcohol, sitting on the sofa. So what you see in this image is what you think is going to happen in the film. This poster also shows oppositional readings because some people might look at this image and see a sweet, innocent, little teddy bear that is a child's play toy and that's what they assume the film is going to be about. But in fact it is the total opposite.

Defined Representations Of People Or Places

1.  Forest Gump, the main character is being represented in the opening of this film.
2. He is being represented by him talking to a stranger on the bench, the camera is being zoomed up on him whilst he is telling the lady about himself.
3. Dyer's theory has been shown in this opening because his theory is 'How we are seen determines on how we are treated' and even though Forest is being nice and offering her a chocolate she is still looking at him like he is a total idiot. Also the theory applies to her too but she is black she gets treated differently so she is surprised a white person is talking to her.
4. It is Forest's representation and it reflects on his interests by the way he is telling his own story, and by the way he talks to the audience/himself and the lady about his life. 
5. The box of chocolates is a semiotic because his saying is 'Life is like a box of chocolates you never know what one you are going to get.'
6. The meaning of the film in this clip is preferred because how you see it is how it has been intended to be shown. For Example when forest asks the lady about if her shoes are comfortable or not the operator wants the audience to understand that Forest doesn't intend for anything to happen in his life things just do for a reason and that is how the media is coming across that he is grateful for everything he has.



Media institutions 

I have made a PowerPoint on institutions and I have compared a low and high budget film and have compared there production companies to see what one is best.

Camera shots

 (ECU) This is an extreme close up shot of an eye.

(LS) This is a long shot of a person standing in the park.
(ELS) This is an extreme long shot of a field and buildings.

(MCU) This is a medium close up shot of a man standing outside.
(MLS)  This is a medium long shot of a man giving a letter to another man.
(MS) This is a medium shot of a man standing in the park.


How the representation of young women in this film  is romanticised/mythologised:

  •  It is like reality has been forgotten about, everything in this clip is really fanaticised because nothing is going wrong.
  • The clip is made to come across as really perfect, everyone is getting ready for something and its going to plan.
  • It is made to be shown as every girls dream.
  • All the colours in the film are really pink and romanticised because it is like she is trying to impress someone.
  • The music in the background is also made to make the scene mythologised because it is all about a 'perfect day'.

Image Analysis

Our genre was sport for teenage boys. We thought football, running, and basketball is a common  and popular sport with the boys as most of them play it and enjoy it. We took these action shots to show how fun it is to play sports and to keep fit at the same time. We used different background setting for each picture to show all the different grounds you can play on. A variety of colours were used too to make the images more clear and obvious.

Narrative Analysis

  • What does he mean by 'The closer you look, the less you see?'
  • How does he get the lady's card to light up on the building?
  • Why is he rubbing his hands together after it has been lit up on the building?
  • Why is the man hypnotising the lady so he can get money?
  • Why did the magician steal the other mans watch and wallet?
  • What happens to the lady after all the piranha's go into the tank?
  • Does she die?
  • Was that done on purpose?
  • Who are the 4 different magicians?
  • What is the link between all of them?
  • Why are they all in such different settings, why do we get shown this in such detail?

  • Building lighting up with playing card on it
  • CafĂ©, hypnosis advertisement
  • Stepping off boat very quickly 
  • Water tank, chains-will she get out?
  • Piranhas' in tank
  • Timer clock

  • Playing cards symbolise magic
  • Clothing represents modern people- everyday lives
  • 3 of them are stealing money off people-clever, successful
  • Water tank significant- drowning?
  • You only get shown a small clip of each magic act-hiding things, more to be shown?
  • night time-mysterious
  • Lots of people around all the time in all 4 scenes-symbolic
  • All performing to an audience of different sizes

Pitch Presentation

Horror for the elderly from Emmajanerolfe13

Our film is a horror for the elderly and is called 'Your time' in reference to 'Your time has come' meaning that it is their time to die. It has a certificate rating of a 15. It is set in an OAP home to make the audience feel more involved. This juxtaposes with some of the dark and gloomy scenes because an OAP home is usually warm and cosy. We have chosen the actors for a pacific reason as they have a very mixed age range and in the end there are only the older actors left. People like Maggie Smith have starred in films like Harry Potter so we think that she would be good for the role because she is appropriate. The sound will be very scary to help set the atmosphere and time of the scene. At the beginning you will not hear any talking all the background noise will but blocked out so the audience can focus on what is going on.

It is a 'Murder by murder' film so many people end up dying. The film is not predicable and everything that happens, happens unexpectedly so that's what keeps it interesting because the mystery will slowly unravel itself to why is everyone killing each other. By doing this is still makes it more interesting for the older audience and therefore makes them feel involved just like they are part of the story. To promoting our film we will be doing trailer clips on websites, posters on buildings, promoting cast members, TV and radio adverts, this is so everyone gets to hear about and come and watch it if it interests them the film is not just for older people.

A lot of people said they would watch and buy our film because it sounds good and interesting which is good because obviously appeals to a wide audience range.

Poster Semiotics

This poster is full of different things going on and been fired for example an arrow. A denotation of this image is the big wing in the background this could represent heaven as it looks like an 'angel wing' so we can suggest that people die in the film but a connotation of this is actually the wing is a mocking jay bird, so therefore this could be a symbol. The colour of this poster is an orange/red to suggest bold and shocking things that could happen in the film, it also represents fire and blood so it tells the audience that it has a lot of action and violence involved. The camera angles are on the side of the picture this has been done purposely so you can not see what the girl is shooting at, this means it could be anything. The characters facial expressions are very serious this could show that it is a very serious problem or event that is happening. The writing on the page is very bold and bright so it all stands out from the rest of the image.

Genre - Analysis of an opening sequence

This scene is at the arrivals gate in Heathrow Airport and the genre of the film is rom-com. Sound is a very big aspect of this clip as it is a voice over talking to the audience about the happy atmosphere, the music is very quiet and calm you cannot hear Heathrow in the background it is to help put you into a dreamy atmosphere, this is to help you concentrate on the reunions. The theme is love and friendship, examples of love is used in this clip by the voice over talking about the Twin Towers and how all the phone calls on the plane that was about to crash were all messages of love. The narrator presents this in a calm and gentle way and talks over a video clip of people hugging and kissing. The narrator talking is representing that class, age or sexuality does not matter he is showing the viewers that love is all around the world even if some people don't see it. No props were used in this scene as none were needed because you do not need anything to show your feelings. The camera angles are very simple as they are just zoomed up on different families and couples. All the characters in the scene are very happy, you see lots of smiles.

All these together the smiles, gentle music, calm atmosphere and the narrator are all features of a rom-com.