Narrative Analysis

  • What does he mean by 'The closer you look, the less you see?'
  • How does he get the lady's card to light up on the building?
  • Why is he rubbing his hands together after it has been lit up on the building?
  • Why is the man hypnotising the lady so he can get money?
  • Why did the magician steal the other mans watch and wallet?
  • What happens to the lady after all the piranha's go into the tank?
  • Does she die?
  • Was that done on purpose?
  • Who are the 4 different magicians?
  • What is the link between all of them?
  • Why are they all in such different settings, why do we get shown this in such detail?

  • Building lighting up with playing card on it
  • Café, hypnosis advertisement
  • Stepping off boat very quickly 
  • Water tank, chains-will she get out?
  • Piranhas' in tank
  • Timer clock

  • Playing cards symbolise magic
  • Clothing represents modern people- everyday lives
  • 3 of them are stealing money off people-clever, successful
  • Water tank significant- drowning?
  • You only get shown a small clip of each magic act-hiding things, more to be shown?
  • night time-mysterious
  • Lots of people around all the time in all 4 scenes-symbolic
  • All performing to an audience of different sizes