AS Media Film Opening Example

This film is called 'Red Tide' I like this film opening because it makes it feel really realistic of a war situation and how it would actually be in a battle. The genre of the film would be war and this was very obvious because of the setting of the clip and how they were crawling on the ground. The helicopter animation was very good and creative so this would make a good war film. Not many people would think of doing something like that so I would give this film opening a level 4 mark 48 out of 60 because I like how imaginative they have been. The acting could be a bit better but because you can hear lots of gun shots they kind of get away with it. The gun shots both sound and images are very good because it actually looks like they are shooting each other it is just like how an actual film company would make the film but they would just make it look a bit more professional. What could be improved in the clip is the title sequence at the start, the name of the film needs to be made so it is more memerable. Also the font and colour of the writing would look better if it had a bit more colour and a better font. 

Prelim task analysis

This is the analysis of the prelim task our film is called 'Whats in the woods'

Tangled opening film analysis

This is the opening to the film tangled the genres of the film are fantasy, romance, animation, comedy, musical and a family film. By the start of the film you can tell that she gets a lot of things done for one day, she does the amount of things most normal people do in about a month. This helps us to see that she does not have a life also by the words of the song saying 'When will my life begin'. It shows the audience that she is trapped in a castle and is so willing to get out but something is stopping her but we don't know what. She is very desparate to see the glowing lights so it makes the audience think 'why doesnt she?'

The camera angles vary a lot from medium shots to close up to long shots. This is good because it makes the film more interesting. The setting is all in one room and it is like a normal house but everything is in one big room instead of many rooms. Many props are used throughout the scene because she sings about cooking and cleaning and reading etc so props are used like a book and baking tray. The lighting is natural throughout the whole scene because you can see the light shining through the windows. The girl is in a pink and purple dress throughout the clip so the costume stayd the same.

The sound in the clip is diegetic because the character is singing it herself so she can hear the music. The pace throughout the song increases because the amount of jobs she does adds on and this shows a lot espacially towards the end when she is brushing her hair this expresses to the audience how much she actually has.

What we learnt from our Prelim task

  • Be responsible for your props/costume
  • Take into account weather/room availability (i.e drama studio)
  • Extras can be unreliable
  • Student office may not lend you wheelchair if not booked
  • Back up plan if start is absent
  • If footage is moved from computer premiere will not find it
  • Keep it simple, do not overcomplicate
  • Diplomacy and compromise are essentail team skills
  • Continuity errors
  • Ask Ellie and Jonathon re:blood
  • Change settings when importing footage
  • Musical layers careful original atmosphere

Comprehensive Textual Analysis

This is the opening of the film Skyfall, the genres of this film is Crime Fiction, Spy film, Thriller, Adventure and Action. All of these are shown in the opening of the film as the clip varies from being scary and someone being drowned in the ocean to someone standing alone with a gun then being taken through what is looks like blood vessels. A wide variety of camera shots have been used in the clip for example panning, long shot, medium shot, close up shot,overhead shot and they have been used in lots of different ways for example zooming forward through a grave yard this to show the effects and all of the transitions that have been used. The movement in the clip is very flowing and fast as it takes you through all these different environments like the ocean and then empty building etc. 

The Mise en scene is very clever as all of the lighting varies throughout the clip at some points it is very dark and gloomy and at some points it is very eerie and then it contrasts to a red scene that is meant to be all blood. You only mainly see one character throughout the beginning and when you do see him he is in a suit and he is holding a prop of a gun. The setting is very dramatic and dull this shows that the film is going to be gory and violent maybe sad but also adventurous. You do not get to see the character up close so you cannot see what makeup they are wearing. There is only one sound throughout the clip which is the song Skyfall by Adele it has faded out any dialogue in the scene. Lots of different transitions have been used in the clip to make it look better and stand out more they also look good because they help to match the pace of the opening scene what is actually happening in the clip looks very confusing and at this moment in time you do not really know what is going on.


Juno Opening

 By Emma, James and Becky

Self Evaluation

What did you learn about filming and editing?
When making this video I learnt how to use a video camera and how to use it with all the different shots and angles you need to get the shot you want to achieve. When editing I found it difficult at first because you have to get all the cutting spot on to make the video look good and make sure the timing is correct. I learnt that you must overfilm each shot so you have enough of each clip to cut and improve it also you might end up needing more of a certain clip and if you have overfilmed then it makes it easier to do.

Did you find/use any premiere effects? If so, which ones and what was the effect?
We used a cartoon effect called colour emboss to make the picture look similar to the opening clip of the film. This made it more effective and therefore better to look at because it is more striking and realistic just like the actual film opening.

What went well in the filming and editing? How does it look compared with the original opening sequence?
Compared to the original clip the opening looks very similar with the effects and how it is filmed also all the angles of the camera are similar too because tried to use the exact same shots as the clip. The editing went well because we all felt confident when using the software Premiere so we all took turns when cutting and editing the clip to get it right.The only thing that wasn't the same was the sound timing because in the film they cut some of the song at the beginning.

What could have gone better with the filming and editing?
We could have found something like a table on wheels to help us get more stable shots because a couple of them are a bit jumpy and this shows in the opening scene of our clip. The filming could have gone better if we had more experience with how to do the camera shot and how long we had to film each clip for so next time we know to be more prepared.