Comprehensive Textual Analysis

This is the opening of the film Skyfall, the genres of this film is Crime Fiction, Spy film, Thriller, Adventure and Action. All of these are shown in the opening of the film as the clip varies from being scary and someone being drowned in the ocean to someone standing alone with a gun then being taken through what is looks like blood vessels. A wide variety of camera shots have been used in the clip for example panning, long shot, medium shot, close up shot,overhead shot and they have been used in lots of different ways for example zooming forward through a grave yard this to show the effects and all of the transitions that have been used. The movement in the clip is very flowing and fast as it takes you through all these different environments like the ocean and then empty building etc. 

The Mise en scene is very clever as all of the lighting varies throughout the clip at some points it is very dark and gloomy and at some points it is very eerie and then it contrasts to a red scene that is meant to be all blood. You only mainly see one character throughout the beginning and when you do see him he is in a suit and he is holding a prop of a gun. The setting is very dramatic and dull this shows that the film is going to be gory and violent maybe sad but also adventurous. You do not get to see the character up close so you cannot see what makeup they are wearing. There is only one sound throughout the clip which is the song Skyfall by Adele it has faded out any dialogue in the scene. Lots of different transitions have been used in the clip to make it look better and stand out more they also look good because they help to match the pace of the opening scene what is actually happening in the clip looks very confusing and at this moment in time you do not really know what is going on.