Zomped-Shooting Schedule and script

Shooting schedule

This is our shooting scedual for the filming we were about to conduct



We presented the rough cut of zomped to an audience to gain some feedback as to the successfulness of the film so far. Although we felt we had done an extremely good job the feedback showed us exactly where we were lacking, and we were lacking alot. Alot of people said that the sounds were too fake and alot of people felt it looked too much like a trailer.For this reason we decided to reshoot and get exactly what we needed.

Target Audience Feedback

Today we hosted a screening of our film, showing it to a group of members of our target audience. We gave them each a copy of the questionnaire as previously shown, and received a lot of results. We also received some more feedback from one of our teachers, and some from other media students.

The feedback from our wider target audience is presented in this comic:

Here is a short clip of our target audience during the screening:

Here is the feedback we received from other media students and one of our teachers:


Production Diary

George has spent hours at home editing the new footage and adding the animation effects to make it look better. He has also worked a lot on the animations for the titles at the beginning of the film too. We have encountered a few problems when it came to exporting the film as it didnt copy the animation of the titles over so we all have to redo the titles in school hours instead which is going to be quite difficult as the computers shut down automatically at 5 and the teachers go home too.

Production Diary

Today in our lesson we createded a questionnaire to give to people for feedback, all three of us all put input in to think of the questions. Also since our progress for zomped since we have refilmed, we decided to show a few people our film opening to see what they think. We gave them our questionnnaire to fill in and give back to us.We got a lot of comments saying people really like the sound effects and that the genre of the film is obvious. Then when people rated our opening we got a range of 6.5-9 out of 10 which was quite good. Also in todays lesson we have videoed a few people and one of our teachers and asked for thier comments to see what they think of our film. We are currently creating a cartoon storyboard presenting all of the feedback we recieved from both students and teachers, we will put this on the blog soon.

Wider Target Audience Feedback (Planning)

Here is a questionnaire which we developed, to be filled out by members of our target audience after screenings of the opening sequence. We decided to ask them these questions in particular as they will hopefully provide us with the answers we need in order to validate the success of the production.

Peer Feedback for Zomped

We have changed the script completely to go better with the comedy theme for when we refilm our opening:

Quick-Cut Camera Shots - Inspiration


In Shaun of the Dead and Scott Pilgrim, our two chosen films in which we took influence from, quick cuts are used. We will use these due to the comedy value it has.


After reading each of our feed back forms we came to the conclusion to re film zomped.
The most popular comments were:

the dubbing was all wrong
american accents were bad
was boring
the sound effects were really bad
hated the zombie at the end

We improved each one of these flaws when reshooting while also adding a lot more shots and angles. We also changed the script completely to go better with the comedy theme.

Teacher feedback for Zomped

After we showed the teachers our rough copy for our opening film zomped they gave us lots of little bits to improve on. The first thing we discussed was the plot and storyline of the film it didnt really make sense and it was painfully slow and therefore this made it boring to watch so to improve this we have decided to refilm the second half of our film and change all of the scipt also the teachers did not see the point of our ameican accents so we have decided to change them back to english to make it clearer to understand. Mrs Field told us to make it more video game like for example add more animations on the screen like an energy level bar then change it everytime we drink and move also make the words bigger that come out of Kaitlyns head and also we thought of putting boxes above our heads so we know the name of the characters. Mr Armato told us to add clips of us actually playing the video games and a shot of the television without us. We got advised to try to widen our range of shots to try and gain more marks.

ZOMPED-recording the foley sound effect

This is a video of Emma and George recording the sounds for the foot steps when Emma walks up the drive and then in the background is Emma's heavy breathing to make it sound like a zombie. We experimented a variety of places inside and out to record the sound we needed for the footsteps, we tried in the school playground, in the corrior, under the stairs, the classroom. We repeated this process to dub in Emma and Kaitlyn's voices in a couple of the scenes. We used Emma's breathing for the foleys sound effect.

Zomped movie poster 2

This is our Zomped poster number 2

Zomped poster 1

This is Kaitlyn's design for the first poster for our movie opening zomped. The idea was to have a close up shot of a zombie pixelated to make it a little more gameified. It is intended to look like the zombie is coming out of the game . This works well because of the plot and theme of our movie. The fact there is a lot of bold red used within the poster makes it stand out and is more likely to attract the audience.

Production diary group meeting

Today we continued to give ideas towards our opening titles. We edited the clips adding music, sound effects, dubbing over our voices and improving the titles. We experimented with different fonts ect. We also experimented with the titles by allowing them to move with the movement of the scene. For example if the gate opens the title will follow the movement of the gate.

We also came up with new and exciting ideas for small visual effects.

Opening Sequence - Rough Cut

Here's the rough-cut for the opening sequence to Zomped. The final cut will feature roughly fifteen credits, with the same style, typography and animation, some more sound effects will be added, for example the rustling of a packet, and some of the dialogue will be dubbed in or edited for clarity.

Target Audience Interviews, Poster Evaluation

Today we approached three people who fit the criteria of our target audience. We asked them two questions about the promotional posters that kaitlyn created - here's the results:

Character Profiles - Short Montage Clip

Today we created a short montage-style clip to reflect the character profiles of Penny and Dory.

Preliminary Poster

Here's a Preliminary poster that Kaitlyn created for ZOMPED, during the pre-filming stage. It involves features of the video-game theme, e.g. the Mario style typography and the pixelation effect, and the zombie theme with the comic-style zombies in the background. The design was inspired by and took into consideration features of posters for the films of which we have researched.