Teacher feedback for Zomped

After we showed the teachers our rough copy for our opening film zomped they gave us lots of little bits to improve on. The first thing we discussed was the plot and storyline of the film it didnt really make sense and it was painfully slow and therefore this made it boring to watch so to improve this we have decided to refilm the second half of our film and change all of the scipt also the teachers did not see the point of our ameican accents so we have decided to change them back to english to make it clearer to understand. Mrs Field told us to make it more video game like for example add more animations on the screen like an energy level bar then change it everytime we drink and move also make the words bigger that come out of Kaitlyns head and also we thought of putting boxes above our heads so we know the name of the characters. Mr Armato told us to add clips of us actually playing the video games and a shot of the television without us. We got advised to try to widen our range of shots to try and gain more marks.