Evaluation-Question 7= Looking back at your preliminary task what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

These are screenshots of both the prelim task and the real opening sequence, we are showing how we have widened our variety of shots, improved the quality and added titles to the film. Below we have added information about how we improved between both of the films and what we improved on.

What we have learnt since our prelim task:

In our real opening sequence we have improved on the 180 degree rule by making the shot closer so therefore clearer. The shot is when Dory and Penny are having a conversation whilst Dory is walking in the room. We have widened the amount of Camerawork and angles so therefore it makes them more varied. For example we have a close up shot of some hands on a controller this is when Penny is playing the video game. This also express’s the genre more because people that fit the Genre for example Emo’s and Jock’s play more video games and can relate to the film more. To improve even more we have added some match on action in the sequence to vary the amount of camera shots to make it fit the genre better because we can show the 'Gamer Girl' theme more by adding the effects on the screen of playing the video game. Our Shot to reverse shot has improved because we have done it with better angles so this time it wasn’t so hard to make also it makes it more flowing because it shows that the conversation is faster so therefore it looks more natural.  For example when Penny scares Dory at the beginning of the film we have the camera at the angle where you can see both of the actors talk. We have a lot less continuity errors compared to our prelim task because we now understand more how to film and edit on the software Adobe Premier, to be able to get our film on Premier we had to transfer it from the video camera and any extra sounds that we have recorded from our phones we had to transfer it onto Premier by using a memory stick. Our skills with technology when using premier have improved for example we have added titles and animations during the film to make it more like a video game. We have also learnt and expanded our knowledge on how to build tension and suspense in a scene because we know to use good music and light settings and different scenery too. For example in Zomped when Dory is walking to the shed there is breathing and dramatic music and its dark outside too so that helps with the atmosphere. We were able to emphasize with the characters personalities due to their realistic problems for example Penny having no friends. We researched the genre much more in depth than the prelim task we studied the costumes, scenery and plot a lot more to emphasise and make it more accurate for example we looked at our target audience in a lot of detail so we know what we have to base the film around. We decided to base the film on 15-21 year olds, both genders. When filming we improved our location that is more suitable to the genre because we researched the stereotypical ‘gamer girls’ location which was in a bedroom playing computer games. Overall looking back at the prelim task we made the whole film better because we were influenced by films like Scott Pilgrim Vs. the world, Shaun of the dead and Zombie land.

Evaluation-Question 6= What have you learnt about the technologies from the processess of constructing the product?

This is a video we have made of what technology our group used to make the opening sequence 'Zomped'. We used a variety of equipment from a memory stick to a tripod to be able to make the film good.

Evaluation-Question 5=How did you Attract/Address your audience?

Ramona Flowers


We have decided that Scott pilgrim Vs the world's main female protagonist Ramona Flowers is extremely similar to our movie zomped's main female protagonist Penny. Penny much like Ramona is a sarcastic and out of place teenager  that doesn't get very close to the people around her. Although Penny and Ramona are social virgins , only really liking males they are both are surprisingly skilled at fighting. Penny and Ramona both are extremely flamboyant in the way they present themselves, Ramona and her constant hair colour changes and penny with her crazy costumes. However, Penny and Ramona are considerably different. Ramona unlike penny is  an intense romantic interesting within the film and while both of them get on better with boys Ramona looks at them as more of a romantic interest appose to just friends

Evaluation-Question 4=Who would be the audience for your movie?

This is an image in which I drew to present our target audience. Our movie targets teens from 15-21 boys and girls. The ideal group we are looking at targeting is of an alternative nature most likely gamers, obviously lovers of zombie and comedy films, Probably liking movies such as Scott pilgrim vs the world , Shaun of the dead or zombie land. This social group could be considered as hipsters or even geeks. We feel the selling point to this certain social group would be the fact we incorporate a lot of what these people enjoy e.g. games, comics, movies and even anime. Their dress sense normally is influenced by the things they like therefore a person that has a love for anime and Japanese culture will almost defiantly colour their hair much like the girl you see below. A gamer however will not care too much for their appearance and will normally wear a simple t-shirt with their favourite game logo on it e.g. borderlands, bio shock, dead rising etc. This is the same for both female and male. Although the themes in our movie are primarily male we feel this would target more so the female audience. This is due to the two main protagonists being female within a male world and can also be deemed quite feminist also saying that just because they are girls does not mean they cant do exactly what a guy can do. Conventionally within the genre of film it would be extremely male based with only the female as the "damsel" however we have decided to switch this idea completely to create something much more appealing towards women.

The girls within our movie are presented as very powerfully, headstrong young females that do not let others get the best of them even though they are severely bullied and have nobody but each other. For this reason our movie could also target the emotional side of our target audience and become appealing towards the hand full of people that may get bullied at school.This may give them a little more confidence in themselves while also being able to relate to Penny and Dory. Due to our movie having a little touch of everything we have an extremely wide range to consider for our target audience. There is alot of violence however not gory at all. This could appeal to families with teenage children while also appealing to the parents due to the 80's and 90's retro game references.
Pictures of our target audience

Evaluation-Question 2=How does your media product present particular social groups?

Our media product only presents one particular social group.There are not enough films that present the alternative social group made up of geeks,gamers,emos,goths,hipsters etc. Due to this we found it hard to find sources in other movies showing similar people to our characters.Although our characters are presented as geeky,socially awkward game addicts we did not go COMPLETELY stereo typical in the way we showed them.We conducted a survey and approached people we felt would like our movie.From this we felt we would take a much more realistic approach towards our characters and allow the target audience to relate to our characters.We have added in small stereo typical elements within the opening scene to define the genre.Although we have used stereo typical elements we have shown the alternate social group as nothing more than what it really is. Penny the lead protagonist is shown to be a Japanese obsessed gamer girl with many social issues hiding herself behind her hair and her yellow pikachu onesie.Dory however is presented as a young goody two shoes book worm that in her spare time likes to be a little bit of a rebel and play video games with her friend Penny.Dory is shown not to have any apparent social issues there for we show two sides of the alternate scene. The issues that these girls have are real issues that people within this particular social group tend to have therefore the audience can find themselves relating to either the main protagonist Penny or the sidekick Dory.

I also feel we raise the issue of bullying within this social group and show exactly how out casted the rest of society makes these people feel. When Dory asks Penny about having a house party she replies "yeah, i could invite you and........... never mind". This shows that People like Dory and Penny who are in fact representation of the alternative scene are taken for granted and pushed out of society like unwanted stray dogs.For this reason they stick together to allow themselves at least a small amount of friendship into their lives. The fact that we raise the bullying issue helps connect with audience but also shows people who would not be considered alternative how their small actions make this particular group of people feel.In summery we present the alternative social group as completely separate from conventional social standards. Unlike typical mainstream social groups such as popular girls, jocks etc. each person is completely unique .


Evaluation - Question 1=In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? (i.e. film openings)

Below are nine screenshots from our opening sequence, presented in the style of those on


Annotations have been made on some of the frames (the ones in yellow); these identify the features of the sequence which show conventions of the genre(s). (Click on the image to enlarge and read the annotations).

Our opening titles were inspired by those in Zombieland. We found the Zombieland titles interesting because the typography is bold and appropriate for the genre, and they are positioned and animated to look as if they are hovering on buildings, people, etc... (see below also)

We also took inspiration from the camerawork of similar films such as Shaun of the Dead and Scott Pilgrim Vs the World. Edgar Wright frequently uses quick cuts of this style throughout his films, including these and Hot Fuzz and The World's End. Edgar uses them for a comedic effect, as we have also; the sequence starts off with very fast paced shots to give an 'epic montage' - like effect, which is juxtaposed with an almost painfully slow shot at the end.

Character Conventions

Penny and Dory reflect typical gamer-girls as portrayed in film and television. Penny, in particular, reflects (of the same), Penny from The Big Bang Theory, in one episode when her character profile is flipped as she becomes addicted to computer-games.

Similarly, Dory's costume/persona takes inspiration
from the character Amy, also from The Big Bang

Somewhat alike the use of female actors in The Big Bang Theory, we decided to challenge the typical convention of male 'gamer-nerds' such as Shaun and Ed in Shaun of the Dead. We feel that this successfully added an element of originality to our film.

Zomped-Brain storm moment

Brain storm moment


Additional Footage [Extended]
We decided to cut this sequence from the end of the final cut for the examiner's marking purposes, as the overall sequence would have been too long.

Another reason for which decided to cut this footage is because some of the feedback which we received from our peers and our target audience suggested that the scene and the dialogue 'dragged' too much. Also, one of our teachers added that it developed the sequence beyond an opening sequence, because the character profiles began to develop at too much of an early stage.